Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Key Pittman Wildlife Management Area and Mt. Irish Rock Art and Petroglyphs, Hiko, Nevada Hwy 318

On State Hwy 318, Nesbitt Lake and Frenchy Lake are on the east of hwy 318. Frenchy Lake is for irrigation. Nesbitt is a nice stop with trees for shade on a hot day. To enter Nesbitt Lake, open, drive through, then close the gate so animals do not escape. There is even a restroom. Nonmotorized boats are allowed.
***THEN: Across the highway on west side of highway from Nesbitt Lake is a BLM barb-wired gate and very easy to miss... Open gate, drive through, then replace gate so animals do not escape.
This is Mount Irish Rock Art and Archeological District. The guidebook says a car can go the 18 miles. We had 4-wheel drive and it was a bit tough. We took other side roads that are only for 4-wheel drive. At about mile 9, the rocky/dirt road has a registration for the petroglyphs of Southern Paiute Indians. We were lucky and got a booklet on the area.
Ataltl (hunting weapon). Looks like spear.

Happy Person?

 Mountain sheep, deer, and/or elk.
Guide to sites.
Pahranagat Figure

Horned Man

Princess Pahranagat

Spaceship or Sombrero? 
Circled Crosses


Many Sheep
March 2014


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